
Composer Work Year
Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Trio No. 7 in B-flat major “Archduke”, Op. 97 1811
David Nathaniel Baker Roots II 1992

Full Program (PDF)

About the Ensemble

Trio Gaia Trio Gaia, New England Conservatory’s newest Professional Trio-in-Residence, is dedicated to offering audiences dynamic, personally relevant experiences inside and outside the concert hall. Trio Gaia has presented concerts at venues ranging from the historic Boston Public Library to Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The 2021-22 season will include recitals in New Hampshire and Boston, including the trio’s annual Jordan Hall recital, and the launch of their adventurous audience-interactive initiative Commission: Engage, which will be shared in a series of recital and community engagement experiences.

As individuals, violinist Grant Houston, cellist Yi-Mei Templeman, and pianist Andrew Barnwell have established performing careers that have taken them to nine countries for a range of solo and collaborative opportunities. Together, the trio has studied extensively with renowned artists Vivian Hornik Weilerstein, Donald Weilerstein, Merry Peckham, and Max Levinson. Additional mentors include cellists Lluis Claret and Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir, and pianists Victor Rosenbaum and Orli Shaham.